This passive tags that operate in band of 860-960 MHz., used for asset tracking and inventory management applications where a long read range is required. read up to 12 meters (39.4 ft) in non-metallic environments and up to 10 meters (33 ft) in metallic environments, very durable and can withstand harsh environments.
UHF Long Range RFID tags are passive tags that operate in the UHF (ultra-high frequency) band of 860-960 MHz. Designed primarily for metal assets exposed to conditions like oil, rain, and water or those located in outdoor environments, its engineering plastic housing fortified with IP68 protection sets it apart. The chip within is shielded meticulously, thereby assuring longevity and adhering to the global standards for industrial applications. With versatile mounting options like screws, rivets, epoxy, or adhesive, this tag boasts a reading distance of up to 10 meters. It is a prime choice for tracking outdoor assets, vehicles, equipment lifecycle management, metal pallets, containers, and other returnable items. Feature:
Dimensions (mm) | 128*30*8.5mm |
Material | Engineering Industrial Material |
Frequency | UHF(US/FCC) UHF(EU/ETSI) |
Operating Temperature(°C) | -40 to 80 |
Storage Temperature(°C) | -40 to 85 |
IP Rating | IP68 |
Applicable Surface | Non-metal, On-metal |
RFID Chip | NXP, Impinj, Alien |
RF Interface Protocol | EPC Class1 Gen2 ISO/ISO18000-6C |
Color | Black / Customized |
Reading Distance | 0-10 meter |
Application | Outdoor asset tracking Car/truck tracking Equipment lifecycle management Returnable transit items management |
For additional details or to request a quote, please contact us. Join us at MAKA RFID and redefine your RFID experience.
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