RFID tags are composed of an integrated circuit (IC) and an aluminium or copper antenna. The design and construction of the RFID antenna play a crucial role in ensuring high reliability across all frequencies and accommodating different inlays within the same production run.

RFID technology, also referred to as Radio Frequency Identification, serves a wide range of purposes including identification, tracking, and tracing of various products. The intricate manufacturing process involves integrating IC circuits into printable and programmable formats, allowing users to benefit from tailored solutions specifically designed for their unique applications.

The applications of RFID tags span across numerous sectors, such as government, logistics, manufacturing, industrial, pharmaceuticals, clothing stores, NFC, airlines, and many more. The versatility and adaptability of RFID technology make it a valuable tool in these industries.

To cater to different requirements, we provide a variety of tags and inlays with varying memory capacities and antenna sizes for different frequency ranges including UHF, NFC, HF, and LF. Additionally, we offer the flexibility to customize adhesives and delivery formats to meet specific needs and preferences.

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UHF Tag 860-960MHz

UHF tags have a unique TID and are equipped with a carefully designed antenna to consistently provide high-quality readings across all tags. These tags operate at a frequency range of 860 to 960 MHz and comply with international standards, such as ISO 18000-6C EPC Class 1 Gen 2

HF Tag 13.56MHz

HF tags comply with global standards such as ISO 14443 A, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-3 Mode 1, and ISO 18000-3 Mode 3, widely used in various applications, including product authentication and traceability in the pharmaceutical sector.

NFC Tag 13.56MHz

NFC tags (13.56 MHz) comply with global standards such as ISO 14443 A and the protocols defined in the NFC Forum. We offer a multitude of solutions to suit a wide range of applications in the market.

LF Tag 125KHz

LF tags operate in the 125-134 kHz range and can be read from over 90 centimeters away. They are commonly used to identify people, animals, containers, and boxes with metal components or liquids.


The tag is combine the advantages of UHF and HF, with a frequency range of 860~960MHz and a high frequency of 13.56MHz. It complies with EPC C1G2 (ISO 18000-6C) and IS0/IEC TYPE A 14443 standard. 

Smart Card

RFID smart cards operate in the low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), and ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio bands, have latest printing techniques to meet customers’ expectations of quality,  flexibility, and durability


RFID wristbands and bracelets create a buzz around concerts, music festivals, conferences, water parks and marketing events.

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