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UHF Fixed Reader

UHF Fixed Reader MK2889OS

size: 180x128x28 mm.

Net Weight 550g.

Based on Impinj R2000 Design

Inventory speed > 700 tags/s at peak

9DC power supply

CPU: ARM®Cortex-A53 4 cores 1.3GHz

Memories: 1GB LPDDR3+8GB EMMC / 2GB LPDDR3+16GB EMMC (optional)


Support: Android 6.0 OS 4G networks Bluetooth 4.0 GPS positioning USB2.0 OTG RS232 interface       UHF High Performance Fixed Reader MKK22881D   Size: 310x210x41 mm. Net Weight 1880g. Based on Impinj R2000 Design FHSS or Fix Frequency transmission, support RSSI RF output power up to 30dbm (adjustable) 4 TNC antenna ports support antenna auto-tuning and failure-detection Tag buffer size up to 800PCS (Max. 496bits EPC length) Support RS232, RS485, USB (Host / Slave), TCP/IP. WiFi Provide DLL and Demonstration Software Source code to facilitate further development        

 For additional details or to request a quote, please contact us.   Join us at MAKA RFID and redefine your RFID experience.